Melinda Szilagyi

Melinda Szilagyi

Clinical psychology

Licensed and verified specialist

Money back guarantee

We can talk about

Your wellbeing goals, challenges, problems, symptoms, disorders or conditions or how to be feel better. My main specialization is:

Clinical psychology

I can also help you with



Couple therapy



Panic attacks

Personality disorders


Psychological disorders associated with oncological diseases

Psychological disorders associated with somatic diseases

Relational difficulties




I can speak to you in:

Testimonials( 2 )

Irina Elena Antonescu

Hard to express in words the impact that working with Mel has had on my well-being. Mel is good at both listening, challenging and helping me again and again identify through the blur of emotions of thoughts what is truly important to me. I come out stronger and more confident after each session. I’m so grateful for being able to get such dedicated support in my healing journey. Thanks Mel ❤️

Nanau Lucian

Really great specialist, amazing energy, able to spot the ideas that mater exploring.

About me

*English below*

Psiholog clinician și terapeut holistic/transpersonal. Dedicat să ofer un spațiu de ghidare înspre pace, liniște și armonie interioară, prin îmbinarea abordărilor psihologice cu cea a introspecției, meditației precum și cu alte tehnici de terapie alternativă. În ultimii 12 ani, am explorat și aplicat diverse practici de autocunoaștere atât cu propria persoană, cât și în ghidarea altora prin terapie individuală sau de grup. Studiile și practicile tradiționale de psihologie au fost îmbinate de-a lungul anilor cu terapii alternative precum Theta Healing, psihologie transpersonală, EFT; astfel ofer un spațiu de acceptare și prezență holistică pentru o integrare autentică și reală a tot ceea ce suntem. 
Iubesc să recunosc vindecarea, bucuria și transformarea în viață și în oameni. Împreună putem face asta. 

Clinical psychologist and holistic/transpersonal therapist. Dedicated to offer guidance to a place of inner harmony and peace, by combining the psychological approach with introspection, meditation and other alternative therapies. In the last 12 years, I have explored and applied various ways of self-discovery with myself as well as with guiding others in individual or group therapy. The mainstream studies and experience of psychology have been combined with alternative therapies such as Theta Healing, transpersonal psychology, EFT; therefore, I offer a space of holistic acceptance and presence for an authentic and true integration of all the aspects of what we are. 
I love to recognise healing, joy and transformation in life and in people. Together we can do this. 


University of Essex, BSc Psychology

Honours degree

2011 - 2014

Universitatea Babes Bolyai

Master Psihologia Sănătății Publice si Clinice

2015 -

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Psiholog Clinician

2022 -


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